Changing Jobs During a Pandemic

As if life wasn’t stressful enough these days. Leading up to March, 2020, you were anxious about your job not being an ideal long-term fit. Then the pandemic hit and you’ve been worried about how to keep your kids learning and actively engaged while schools have been closed. There are concerns for you and your partner regarding your parents’ health. There have been so many uncertainties since dealing with COVID-19 that you have been on an emotional roller coaster that seems to change by the hour.
And now…in the midst of all this… you have landed what looks to be an amazing new job! And you don’t want to mess anything up.
As a leadership coach who has had the honour of working with many people as they have joined new organizations, I am familiar with the inordinate pressures to perform when you first start a new role, and it can feel like all eyes in the organization are upon you. Trying to learn everything there is to know can feel like drinking from a fire hose.
Here’s a report providing some helpful tips for job transitions in any environment, based on research conducted prior to the pandemic. “Top Ten Success Factors and Seven Deadly Sins for Leaders Transitioning into New Organizations”.
AND…now that it is evident that the pandemic isn’t going anywhere soon; I’m currently conducting a number of research interviews to obtain specific additional ideas for making your transition as smooth as possible at this unique time in history
… whether your team is working remotely for the first time
…whether you haven’t even met with your new boss in person
…whether you are trying to get a sense of your new organization’s culture, when you are accustomed to strolling hallways and having lunches with colleagues to see how to best fit in
…and on it goes.
Based on these findings, upcoming blog posts will specifically address transitions during the pandemic and will build upon the Success Factors & Sins outlined in the report I’ve shared here.
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