Listening to be Heard

I am fascinated by ironies. In my work with executive coaching clients, I find that they frequently discover that their long-held beliefs about leadership directly contradict their actual experiences. Frankly, they would do better to flip many of these beliefs on their heads. And so it is with being heard. It seems that it’s not…


In A Great Team, Everybody Leads

We often think of “leadership” in the sense of “managing, directing or making approval decisions.” But think of the times when you’ve been part of a team and a break-through idea came from an individual with a curious twist on how to solve the problem. This fresh perspective can spark an idea that others then…


‘Tis the Season for Connecting

In Canada, it seems, this is the time of the year when colleagues, clients and suppliers can count on being able to actually connect. I don’t mean times when they can squeeze in a meeting to accomplish a specific business transaction. I’m talking about actually getting together in a relaxed atmosphere where the focus is…


Could the Greener Grass You Are Seeking be in Your Own Backyard?

We’ve all heard the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”. In a work context, this may mean having wistful thoughts about what it might be like to work for the company across the street.” These thoughts often form when something is not sparking us in our current jobs….


Asking for Help

For many of us, asking for help is a difficult concept. It can require a certain amount of vulnerability. We may feel as if we are admitting a weakness that the world would not have known about, had we not asked for help. Ironically, it’s been my experience that people who are able to deliver…


How is Your Intent Aligned with Your Impact?

“But I didn’t mean to hurt him!” Those of us who are parents have heard our children use these words all too often in the midst of rousing horseplay. Inevitably we respond with something like, “Of course you didn’t, but you still need to say you’re sorry”. With our children, we try to convey the…

eliciting feedback

Tips for Receiving Great Feedback

It is very common for employees at all levels to feel that they don’t receive enough feedback.   Even in organizations that have very rigorous performance management processes, everyone seems to still crave more ongoing feedback from a wider range of sources.  Yet it is also rare for people to take ownership for obtaining feedback from…

bored at work

The Vulnerable 6-Week Mark

When is a good time to “check-in” with new hires? It’s a question I often get asked when organizations are designing their Onboarding processes. Having the luxury of being able to witness the week-by-week progress of the senior leaders that I work with during their Onboarding, I find that a check-in at the end of…

Personal brand

Your New Job & Your Personal Brand

Congratulations, you’ve landed that amazing new job! In the interviews, you shone a spotlight on your strengths and you candidly addressed your development needs. They loved what they heard! Now that you’re hired, you can relax and let things unfold. Can’t you??? In my work with people who are moving into a new role, particularly…


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